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Том в BotC
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Земля=С=Том (ゼムリャ=C=トム Zemurya = C = Tomu) is mysterious creature resembling the Eye of Senri, tasked with collecting information on Mugenri along with Nilu.

Описание[править | править код]

It is unclear what species Tom is, or in fact, whether it is a living being or not in the first place.

Характер[править | править код]

Дизайн персонажа[править | править код]

Имя[править | править код]

Zemlja, also romanised as «zemlya», «ziemlia» and «ziemia», is a word in several Slavic languages that means earth or land. What significance this bears to Tom is yet unknown.

Внешний вид[править | править код]

Tom’s main body bears resemblance to the Eye of Senri, with wings attached to the back of the sphere, two talons on the bottom along with a black and white tail.

Появления[править | править код]

Book of the Cafe

Tom, along with Nilu, is tasked with collecting information on Mugenri while running a «café», although it is unclear who gave them the task.

Relationships[править | править код]


Tom and Ниру are partners on their mission to collect information on Mugenri, although any relationship beyond this is unclear.

Ресурсы[править | править код]

Шаблон:Navbox BotC